Remote Working Tips

Inclusion & Belonging


Remote working is drastically different than in-office work. First, there's no commute... unless you count moving from your bed to the couch to the kitchen table. Remote work means home and work blend more than ever, which means that learning how to work productively and set healthy boundaries are even more important than before.

Why It Matters

To prevent burnout and ensure that employees remain engaged, healthy, and happy in their remote roles, requires greater flexibility and there is generally a learning curve to figure out what works best. As a leader, it's your job to help coach your employees. There's a different mindset and it can be more difficult to get into a good routine at home, which is why we suggest sharing helpful tips to both lay out realistic expectations and help them adapt to a potentially new way of working.

Why It Works

Decrease Time-to-Productivity, Improve Engagement, Remote Connectivity